A Christmas chat with Saasha Karunarathne

It’s that time of the year again – cold air, busy streets and an overall buzz of excitement and cheer. 

This season, Brunch decided to speak to a few familiar faces to see what they’ll be up to this Christmas.

Today, we had a chat with the bright and bubbly Saasha Karunarathne; a TV and radio presenter, content creator, and an overall energetic soul. 

With having to play a serious game of balance with her life, and finding time for her social life while managing her career, Saasha is always booked and busy. We had a chat with her on what she’d be doing in terms of festivities this season. 

How will you be spending Christmas this year? 

I actually have work, and I’m happy while working. I’ll be working on the night of Christmas Eve on a Christmas-related event and I’ll be free on 25 December but come 26 December, it’s back to the usual work week.

I like working on special occasions; it feels like I’m achieving something because my job has a lot of variation and since I never do the same thing twice, it’s always a new experience, even though it’s work. 

What would you say Christmas means to you?

Christmas to me means getting together with my friends and enjoying the season. I’m thankful for everything I’ve learnt throughout the year, and for me, it’s a way of wrapping up the past year. 

It’s also an excuse to give gifts and get gifts! 

What’s your most unforgettable Christmas memory? 

When it comes to Santa Claus, I used to get gifts every year, and on my 17th Christmas – you know how when you begin to come of age, you realise certain things – so I thought to myself: “Hmm, Santa Claus’s handwriting is just like my dad’s.” So that year, I was sure that I wasn’t going to get a gift from Santa because my dad had forgotten that it was Christmas, but the next day I remember screaming and crying about it to my dad and I went to him saying “Santa forgot Christmas!” but the next day, I got a gift anyway. 

I know 17 is shocking to still believe in Santa Claus, but I already knew by then; I just went with it to get the gifts, but that was the year it stopped. 

Holidays can be stressful sometimes. How do you like to unwind?

I like to go to the beach with my friends; I specifically like Hiriketiya beach and I enjoy a bit of surfing as well. 

Other than that, I just want to stay at home with my dogs and watch Netflix. 

What would your perfect Christmas look like?

My ideal Christmas would either be in London, with the snow and a nice cup of hot chocolate in hand by the fireplace with my family, my boyfriend, and my dogs. I’d like to be listening to stories and talking to them while enjoying the cold weather next to a fireplace with the first Harry Potter movie playing in the background. 

Best gift you’ve gotten and given? 

When I was about eight years old, my dad got me a keyboard (the musical instrument, not the computer equipment) for Christmas. That was something that I’d always wanted at that point in time, but later, I realised that he’d mostly bought it for himself and presented it as a gift for me. But either way, that’s the keyboard that I started playing piano on, so that’s very special to me. 

The best gift I’ve given…I mean, my love is a gift! So is my presence!

Any New Year’s resolutions?

My birthday is on 1 January and I’ll be turning 29 next year. For the age of 29, my resolution is that by the time I hit 30, I want to be in the best physical shape possible. I’ve already started working out but I want to up my fitness game and maybe get some abs, so that by the time I hit 30, I’ll be in the best shape of my life and that is my main goal for the next year. 

What’s 2022 looking like for you?

I will be putting out some music in 2022, so for me, building the image of an artist is my main focus. I’ve actually said no to a lot of work that came my way that would guide me away from that goal, so in 2022, I’ll be focusing on my dreams. I’ll be giving it my all and even if I fail, well, at least I tried.