Aroma Bliss Ceylon caters to the demand for organic skincare

By Venessa Anthony

Natural and organic skin care has recently risen in popularity, with more and more people being opposed to applying harmful chemicals on their skin, while Sri Lanka has always been deep rooted in natural skin care, with ayurveda being a huge part of our culture for years. 

To cater to this demand for natural skin care, Aroma Bliss Ceylon was founded in 2017 with the objective of creating an organic skincare range that would suit all skin types. The brand takes pride in being a cruelty-free, affordable-luxury natural skincare and haircare brand, and was co-founded by Amila Abeywickrama and Achini Jayasinghe.

The husband-wife duo is the perfect blend for this brand, since Amila is an electronic engineer from the University of Peradeniya, majoring in electronics and artificial intelligence and Achini is a certified cosmetologist with a BSc. in cosmetology.

As a cosmetologist, over the years, Achini has treated numerous patients with breakouts and skin issues that could be fixed with the use of a quality skincare product without requiring cosmetological invasions. Aiming to bridge the gap in the market for natural skincare, Aroma Bliss combines the expertise of both its owners’ fields.

Starting from humble beginnings, the brand has now grown from an online store to five physical stores located at Nugegoda, Colombo 4, Colombo 3, Colombo 7, and Negombo. Aroma Bliss has always been dedicated to bringing the benefits of natural ingredients to skincare using ingredients such as turmeric and sandalwood to provide visible and lasting results.

The brand’s offerings

Right now, the brand offers a range of organic body care, skincare, and hair care products, and what makes it stand out is that all Aroma Bliss products are completely safe, as none of them contain sulphates, parabens, or other harsh chemicals. Each natural ingredient has been handpicked and the product range consists of essential oils that aim to truly benefit your skin.

Commenting on the safe properties of their products, Achini said: “Our breakthrough patented formulas are a game-changer that fuses nature and science. The core technology in the products is based on a careful curation of ingredients, optimised and balanced to help your skin.”

Today, the product line blends the best of nature with advanced technology to craft high-quality natural skin care products using vitamin C, essential oils, and hydra-boosting serums to also offer their top skincare and foot care ranges. In order to achieve this balance between haircare and skincare, as well as all-natural and safe synthetics, Amila explained that it took them years of research and development. Targeting the whole body, each of their natural skincare and body products has been lovingly created by a team of specialists to enhance skin health and wellbeing.

One of Aroma Bliss’s notable milestones was receiving the prestigious “Asia’s Innovative Brand of the Year 2021” award from Asia Awards. Sharing their thoughts on this achievement, Amila stated: “In a world where the cosmetics industry has been saturated with treatments containing nasty chemicals and artificial fragrances, we focus on high-quality natural skincare products.”

With a plethora of natural skincare products that enhance texture, radiance, and glow, the brand has also introduced wellness centres with the latest and most advanced technological treatment facilities at the Aroma Bliss outlet located at Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7. This location also offers treatments such as advanced skin lightening, oxy-hydra facials, microdermabrasion, and LED light therapy treatments.

Best-selling products

We asked what their current best-selling products are, and why, to which we were told that Aroma Bliss’s top products are face serums, ayurvedic hair care oil, coco and shea body butter, and “kasthuri kaha” (wild turmeric) night cream. 

“The serums are formulated with vitamin C and are found to be effective against dark circles, fine lines, and pigmentation. The night cream is a rejuvenating and brightening ayurvedic blend using ‘kasthuri kaha’. The black seed oil for hair growth prevents dandruff and hair loss. It helps with premature greying, prevents dry scalp and split ends, and promotes hair growth,” Achini explained.

The products are developed using ingredients that are clinically tested and approved by certified professionals and skincare experts. The two also believe in the importance of being sustainable as a brand, so as to minimise their business impact on the environment, they are producing ethical and sustainable packaging. Aroma Bliss’s extensive product range adopts a target-oriented approach for all its products providing solutions for various skin concerns. With all recipes and ingredients sourced from Europe and Sri Lanka, the organic beauty brand stands true to its local roots.