Combining crystal healing and pranayama for holistic healing therapy

By Sarah Hannan

Pranic healing is a simple and efficient system of removing diseased energy and providing new regenerated energy, facilitating the patient’s self-healing mechanism.

Master Choa Kok Sui, its discoverer, observed that the human body is surrounded by a health aura, which in the case of diseased persons is depleted, ragged, unclean, or unequally distributed around the physical body. This energy body, also known as the health aura, is directly connected to the physical body.

The Sunday Morning Brunch this week met a pranic crystal healing therapist to understand the benefits of the practice and how she conducts her sessions. Kathinka Dumitru began her career as a hairdresser and while studying for her City & Guilds qualification on hair and beauty studies, learned about the complementary therapies qualification and enlisted for that as well.

“Initially, I wanted to become a hairdresser, so I did my higher studies in that field. Later, I got to know that City & Guilds also had the complementary therapies qualification in which they covered aromatherapy, reflexology, body massage, and physiology. That decision led me to securing a job as a spa therapist, which led me to broaden my interest in reiki and pranic healing.”

Dumitru’s interest towards the practice had first transpired during hands-on practice and she informed that later in 2011, she decided to study the theoretical side of pranic healing. “I enrolled at the Pranic Healing Foundation and learned about basic pranic healing, up to arhatic yoga advanced levels. I was more inclined towards the crystal pranic healing module and continued to learn more about it.”

Her pranic healing sessions are combined with practices of pranayama to cleanse a person’s body and after that, the person is asked to lie down, following which Dumitru begins the crystals mandala healing session. She stated: “When a person has cleansed their physical body, it allows us to cleanse their mind and soul efficiently. For each chakra, there are corresponding crystals which I place on the person who is undergoing therapy. I also create a crystal mandala and place it around the person to create an energy sphere, which I energise with the use of tuning forks, drums, tingshas, singing bowls, and burning sage and incense sticks.”

Dumitru, having completed her training in yoga which includes kriya, pranayama, asana, bhakti yoga, and raja yoga is looking at combining pranic healing with the practice, so she could offer holistic healing therapy to anyone. She also elaborated that nowadays, many people only focus on asanas which only benefits a person’s outer body.

“In order for you to get the optimal benefits of these ancient practices of healing, you must not only do the asanas but also combine it with yogic practices and adapt pranic crystal healing to your routine as well. It is only then that one could achieve the cleansing of their inner and outer physical body and bring balance to not only their body, but also their mind and soul.”

What is more intriguing is that Dumitru also uses feathers, bone fragments, energy centres that are in other countries such as Egyptian pyramids, and Mayan pyramids to invoke their energy for the healing process.

“Most of the instruments that are in use for healing draw the healing properties and practices from their corresponding regions: The singing bowl and tingsha bring in the healing practices from Tibet and China, while the drums and feathers would invoke African or Red Indian healing practices. Burning of incense and sage combines the healing practices of Hinduism, and the practice of meditation connects Buddhism into the healing process.”

With that explanation, Dumitru also clarified that healing practices, since it adapts various elements from religious and cultural practices, are never made into religious rituals or would only highlight one religion or tradition.

Pranic healing is used to cure all physical, mental, emotional, and psychological ailments such as: skeletal and muscular disorders, heart ailments, blood disorders, miscellaneous, migraine headache, pain relief, strengthening arms and legs, strengthening the immune system, fractures – hastening recovery, fresh and old wounds, scars, stopping bleeding, food poisoning, insomnia, cysts, fever, burns – fresh and old, psychological problems, reproductive ailments, respiratory ailments, disorder of the brain and nervous system, endocrine ailments, and digestive organs.