Indulgence by Pradz: 8Taking a deceptively simple classic to the next level 

Pradika Maheswaran

This week we tried out the delectable brownies and truffles on offer at “Indulgence by Pradz”. Not exactly a newcomer to the homebaker scene, Founder and home baker Pradika Maheswaran was making and selling baked goods well before the pandemic gave way to the unprecedented rise of cloud kitchens. 

Pradika commented that seeing how popular home baking has become, she somewhat regrets not having continued on. However, she said that things always work out as they are meant to, considering how back then, she was working full-time at an architecture company and now, as a stay-at-home mom with her one-year-old, she’s got a lot more time on her hands to dedicate to her craft. 

Re-launching “Indulgence by Pradz” in April this year, Pradika has since been making waves with her six-pack assortment boxes, which are available for pre-order through her Instagram page and also on Uber Eats. Of course, you are free to purchase your two-piece but the six-pack assortment box comes with the option to customise and get one of each flavour of topping on your absolutely delicious brownie. The same goes for your brownie truffles. 

She shared that while there was some apprehension re-entering a business venture that requires delivery and sourcing a number of ingredients during a pandemic, she said that from her experience so far, she really cannot complain, as she hasn’t come across any major roadblocks with regards to sourcing her ingredients. She did say that delivery has been tricky. With travel restrictions, often they have encountered a scarcity of riders when it comes to delivery services, and so there have been some occasions where the deliveries have been slightly delayed. 

In our personal experience, after placing an order in the middle of a rainstorm because we suddenly wanted to try out several flavours of brownies, despite the ridiculous conditions, Indulgence by Pradz was able to deliver quite promptly, much sooner than we expected for sure. We were fully prepared to enjoy our brownies the next morning but were pleasantly surprised when Pradika confirmed that she would certainly be able to send the order within the day.  

Having rich, gooey brownies for dinner is a different kind of experience – we tried out the six different flavours, which came courtesy of their assortment pack; Brownie Ecstasy, Nutella Bomb, Cookie Crumble Brownie, Spiced Biscoff Brownie, Mocha Delight, and the most recent addition to the menu, the Cheesecake Swirl Brownie. The cheesecake one was definitely our favourite, and because the pieces are so massive, we had some left over for the next morning, and it tasted even better then. 

Along with the brownies, we also got ourselves a six-pack of brownie truffles, just because it is on the menu. I am personally not a huge fan of truffles, and with the same toppings as the brownies, the truffles were just a little less exciting. But if you enjoy truffles, then you will have a good time with these. 

We also have to mention the lovely packaging that the food came in, ideal for gifting or to have on a smorgasbord. While deceptively simple to make, brownies take a lot of perfecting to get just right, and if you enjoy a good brownie, then you should definitely give Indulgence by Pradz a try.  


Call for pre-orders: 0777 880 018 


Instagram: @indulgencebypradz