Mindful goes online

By Dimithri Wijesinghe

Mindful (Pvt.) Ltd., which is a tech start-up with their primary goal of building a community, is currently conducting online group activities, in keeping with their goals of maintaining the community. And at a time when the community is most important to persons living in isolation, the organisation has done wonders in creating a space for people to interact while social distancing.

Before the pandemic hit and the curfew was imposed, most of the group activities conducted via Mindful happened offline and in person. However, of course, they’ve had to put a pause on that.

We spoke to Amar Riyaz, one of the founders of Mindful, who shared that since the pandemic has made it so that they cannot host activities in person, he said: “This really got us thinking about what we do at Mindful and what our values are. We realised that we can still help people find things to do, and people to do them with – this time, online.” He shared that they tested it out by launching online groups to connect people with similar interests and goals; from fitness and sketching to cooking and virtual games.

We spoke to some of the online community who shared that they have found solace in interacting with those persons on these WhatsApp groups that have been created where they now “hang out” or have “house parties” on Zoom. While there are events that hosts from Mindful would conduct, the communities have come to grow organically and they’ve also gone on to organise amongst themselves.

At this point, the Mindful online community has grown in leaps and bounds; people are now interacting with each other online, making new friends, sharing activities, and keeping each other motivated. This has opened up new and exciting avenues for Mindful, and Amar shared that they will be creating many more online groups focused on learning, contributing, and living in the moment. He said that they are also introducing a variety of features in the coming months that they are very excited to test. “We would love to get some feedback when we launch them,” said Amar.

Speaking a little about Mindful’s ethos, Amar shared that it helps you find things to do and people to do them with. According to him, the reason they are called Mindful is because they work with environmentally conscious hosts who offer activities that encourage you to learn through experience, contribute to those in need, and live in the present. Amara said: “People use Mindful to learn how to travel more sustainably, book unique experiences, volunteer to causes they believe in, join group activities to make new friends, and find like-minded people to join them in the activities they are interested in.”