TikTok has taken over 


There was a time in Sri Lanka when TikTok as a social media platform was frowned upon, said to be infested with negativity and mindless content. However, the video-sharing social media network has since come a long way, amassing an endless slew of celebrities, athletes, politicians, and influencers. Most recently, we saw Minister of Youth and Sports Namal Rajapaksa joining the platform and sharing with his followers a message, urging Lankan youth to create positive content and contribute to the promotion of our current digital ecosystem. 

We spoke to Namal Rajapaksa with regard to his prompting youth to create content on TikTok, and the emphasis on the need for positive content. He said that social media content created in this country has two sides to it. “Some of it is positive, some of it is negative, and some tend to make themselves a joke out of it, but that is part of social media and how it is created,” he said, adding: “Of course I do agree certain people misuse it – a majority of them – but I believe social media when used in a positive manner will have a lot of good impact on the younger generation.” 

He stressed that we know of certain countries that have banned, or imposed certain restrictions on, social media, but Sri Lanka has allowed for “ultimate freedom when it comes to social media and content to be created”, he said, adding that he himself is a strong believer that we can become the centre for content creation in the world if we focus our energies towards a positive path. 


Lankans distrustful of change 


Lochana Jayakody

With the evolution of TikTok’s reputation, we asked Lochana Jayakodi, who currently has well over 600,000 followers on the platform, about why it garnered such a negative attitude from society at first and how things are different now. She said she believes this is primarily because Lankans often tend to be distrustful of change and things that are new, and when TikTok was first introduced to us, many of those who took up the platform chose to create content purely seeking views in any way they could. Instead of focusing on talent or narrative, they chose to post salacious content, which of course gets promoted via the algorithm, as more views guarantees promotion via the app regardless of content. However, she said, as time has passed, more creatives have entered the platform, and have identified that sharing information and their art gets more views. 

A.L. Ijas

Lochi pointed out that some of the biggest Lankan creators on the platform are skilled creatives, people who have a purpose, like A.L. Ijas (@dusky_boii), who has 7.5 million followers at present on TikTok, who as a photography enthusiast, shares his skills on his profile to his ever-growing audience.  

Speaking with Ijas, he said that he started posting on TikTok in 2018, and what he set out to do was to share various tricks of the trade – how to take certain photographs with little resources and share the behind-the-scenes with his audience. He said that he enjoys creating content and he is glad about the feedback he receives – many people have told him that they have been inspired by his work and they wish to emulate him. 

These various creators encapsulate a clear distinction of the content which garners them their dedicated followings and adoration; it is evident that people who love to create will create and TikTok has just become today’s tool to do it. 


Finding your niche in the platform 


Tymeron Carvalho

Tymeron Carvalho, yet another TikTok user with a considerable following, also shared with us that what you’ve got to do is find your niche on the platform. “I love to make others laugh, enjoy, and make use of the hacks I have found out in my life. I find it very easy to convey my positive and motivational messages via these three categories: comedy, remedies, and dance,” he said. 

Amandha Abeysekara

Carvalho also said that creating for the platform has expanded his horizons in ways he did not think previously possible, sharing that he has learnt more than he has created, from video editing and photo editing to new dancing steps etc. 

Much like all the other creators we spoke to, he also took care to stress the importance of not spreading negativity online. He said: “Today, social media has become a bigger tool than institutions like school. It gives people the power to either make  or break someone with their posts and comments, and so I urge everyone, before spreading something negative, think and rethink whether it’s worth it.” 

“Lankan youth can become entrepreneurs through social media, much like the rest of the world, and we can use these platforms to sell our products, promote our nation, to show who we are to the world through these platforms” Minister of Youth and Sports Namal Rajapaksa

Speaking to The Sunday Morning Brunch, Namal Rajapaksa shared further that the immense potential is untapped, and it is all about guiding those who create and giving them the platform and the opportunity to be more creative – to teach them to use social media with a positive attitude. With TikTok in particular being one of world’s fastest-growing platforms with over 90 million user profiles, a majority being youngsters, he said that he believes, with the way that Lankans are using social media and the number of people who use mobile phones, it is a clear indication as per statistics that we are connected amongst each other though these kinds of platforms. “We are global and we have connectivity for the most part of the country – I wouldn’t say the entire country – but this is something we cannot restrict,” he said, noting that what we must therefore do is encourage positive content. 

He added that we are citizens of this country, and therefore have a responsibility to become a responsible citizen and not act irresponsibly, and there has been careless content that has caused a lot of tension between communities and individuals, while there have also been those who use it as a platform to destroy someone’s personality. “So what I am trying to do here is to at least try and put out more positive content,” he said, adding that he hopes to foster the true potential that these platforms hold. “Lankan youth can become entrepreneurs through social media, much like the rest of the world, and we can use these platforms to sell our products, promote our nation, to show who we are to the world through these platforms.”


The give and take


We also asked the creators what it is that they get in return when it comes to posting content online. Surely there must be a give and take if you are dedicating your time to a platform and an audience who gives you their utmost attention? Many of them replied that while there is earning potential, they create because it is what they love to do. 

Amandha Amarasekara, another TikTok creator who publishes a variety of content ranging from fitness to dance and performance comedy-style videos, said that at first he started it on the premise of “I am a content creator, I should do it”, but went on to fall in love with it for its broad range and diversity. Now he sincerely enjoys putting out every piece of content he creates, “be it a dance, acting out a script, giving out tips and tricks on healthcare and fitness, to transforming from outfit to outfit to the beat of a song”. He also shared that while it is primarily a space to share his content, it absolutely does hold potential for financial gain – but that is true of any form of social media.

It is evident that the larger creators on the platform have set up revenue streams via ad content and creative pursuits in collaboration with various entertainment and media entities. While Lankan creators are yet to fully financially weaponise their following, most creators have struck a comfortable balance between some ads here and there, and creating for the love of it. 


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